Author Archives: The Doctors Health Press Editorial Board

Doctors Health Press publishes daily health articles and monthly health newsletters for a wide array of alternative and natural health topics like healing foods, homeopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, hidden cures for common illnesses, and natural self-healing. Doctors Health Press also publishes books and reports that provide timely health breakthroughs, always focusing on natural and alternative health. Topics include omega health, prostate health, natural weight loss, natural diabetes cures, heart health, stroke prevention, secret herbal cures, vision health, anti-aging, sexual health, joint pain relief and alternatives to prescription drugs.
Cauliflower, Kale and Cabbage Could Fight Cancer
Vitamin E and Selenium for Prostate Health
Using Infrared Rays for Health
Healthy Fats Could Reduce the Risk for Parkinson’s
Using Herbal Medicines Safely
Red Wine Could Cut Your Risk for Getting Cataracts
Some Tips for Eliminating Bad Breath
Fig-Leaf Tea Could Help Maintain Proper Insulin Levels
The Pain-Killing Abilities of TENS
Retinoic Acid Could Soothe Arthritic Pain
Mind Tricks for Eating Fewer Sweets
Preventing Heart Disease with Whole Grains
Antibacterial Soap vs. Normal Soap: Which is Better?
Looking into Chelation
This Common Weed Has Powerful Anti-Cancer Properties
Drinking Lightly Still Problematic
How a PET Scan Could Save Your Life
The Humble Tomato May Be a Cancer-Fighting Superstar
How Vegetables Could Fight Cancer
Avocado Could Lower Bad Cholesterol and Reduce Painful Inflammation