Health News

Get most current, up-to-date health news and breakthroughs that affect your day-to-day life.

Topical Drug May Help Treat Rare Skin Lymphoma
Antioxidant Enzyme Linked to Accelerated Immune System Damage
Gene Mutation Discovered in Autism Development
High Cholesterol Attributed to Nutrient-Deficiency Inflammation, Study
Excessive Intake of Workout Supplements May Qualify as Eating Disorder in Men, Study
Brain’s Ability to Clear Toxic Alzheimer’s Protein Reduces with Age
“Pac-Man” Enzyme Shows Promise for Anti-Smoking Treatment
Navy to Change Fitness Assessment Rules
Improving Gut Health and Reducing Inflammation in IBD Sufferers
Fewer Doses of Sleep Drugs Could Treat Chronic Insomnia, Study
Ebola Vaccine Researcher Convicted of Fraud
Alzheimer’s Risk Reduced From Sleeping on One’s Side, Study
Moderate Stress Significantly Hinders Self-Control, Study
Black Plague Kills Again in Colorado
Poor Thinking Skills Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study
Can the MIND Diet Improve an Aging Mind?
Birth Control Pill Reduces Risk of Endometrial Cancer, Study
Nanocapsule Could Transform Stroke and Heart Attack Treatment, Study
FDA Shuts Down Tofu Manufacturer Over Contamination Concerns
Researchers Develop Implantable Sensor to Track Progress of Cancer Treatment