Author Archives: Jon Yaneff, CNP

Jon Yaneff is a holistic nutritionist and health researcher with a background in journalism. After years of a hectic on-the-go, fast food-oriented lifestyle as a sports reporter, Jon knew his life needed a change. He began interviewing influential people in the health and wellness industry and incorporating beneficial health and wellness information into his own life. Jon’s passion for his health led him to the certified nutritional practitioner (CNP) program at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. He graduated with first class honours in 2015. Jon has also upgraded his health knowledge with other comprehensive courses in applied nutritional microscopy, laboratory diagnostics in clinical practice, and homeopathy. Jon is also a member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada.
How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast: 12 Natural Ways to Make Hemorrhoids Go Away
How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet – 15 Remedies for Hard Skin on Feet
How Does Benadryl Raise Blood Pressure?
13 Foods That Lower Heart Rate — Plus Other Natural Techniques
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for High Blood Pressure?
Hand Cramps: Causes and Home Remedies
Best Natural Antihistamines: Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, and Roots
Essential Oils for Cough, Cold and Congestion
Treating Bumps in the Back of the Throat
What Are These Tiny Red Spots on My Skin (Petechiae)?
Homeopathic Spanish Fly (Cantharis): Health Benefits, Uses & Homeopathic Profile
Homeopathic Stramonium: Facts, Benefits, Uses, and Homeopathic Profile
Homeopathic Causticum: Facts, Health Benefits, and Uses
Homeopathic Ferrum Metallicum (Iron) : Facts, Health Benefits, and Uses
Phosphorus: Deficiency Symptoms, Health Benefits, Daily Recommendations & Best Food Sources
Homeopathic Calcarea Carbonica: Facts, Health Benefits, and Uses
5 Delicious and Healthy Snack Recipes for Back-to-School
Homeopathic Dulcamara: Facts, Health Benefits, and Uses
7 Amazing Homeopathic Tea Remedies
The Top 5 Tai Chi Benefits for Older Adults